Unless an intention to the contrary is expressed in these Terms or any other section of the Pallas website provided under the domain name www.pallascapital.com.au (‘Website’), the term ‘Pallas’ includes Pallas Capital Pty Ltd (ABN50 616 130 913), or a related party (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001(Cth)), all of which are represented in the Website. Pallas Capital Pty Ltd (AR No 1257625) is an authorised representative of Pallas Funds Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 473475).
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Pallas maintains this Website for your personal use. Your access to and use of this Website is subject to these Terms. Pallas reserves the right to update these Terms at any time without notice to you. By using this Website, you accept, without limitation or qualification, that these Terms apply to you in their entirety. If you do NOT agree to these Terms, you should NOT use this Website.
General Advice Only
The information contained in this Website has been prepared without any reference to you or any of your particular investment objectives, requirements or financial situation. You are solely responsible for making your own decisions based on information contained on this Website. Before making any investment in any financial product, you should consider based on your own personal circumstances all important information about the financial product including the risks, costs and fees involved in acquiring and holding the financial product. If an issuer of a financial product (Issuer) has prepared a relevant Disclosure Document for the financial product (“Disclosure Document”), you should read and understand the entire Disclosure Document. Pallas recommends that you should also consider obtaining your own independent legal, tax and personal financial product advice from an appropriately licensed advisor who has regard to your own particular investment objectives, requirements and financial situation. Pallas is not authorised to provide any legal, tax or personal financial product advice to you and does not do so.
Any transactions listed on this Website are only included as illustrative of the types of transactions in which Pallas is or has been involved. They are not intended to be reflective of any overall investment performance. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. None of Pallas or any of its directors, officers, employees, advisers, agents or associates in any way warrant or guarantee the performance of any financial product or Issuer that may be mentioned on this Website.
The contents of this Website are current at the time of publication and may be amended or revoked by Pallas at any time.
The information and any services provided on this Website are not available in, and are not provided to, and may not be used by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction where the provision or use of the information or service would be contrary to the applicable laws, rules or regulations of any governmental authority or regulatory or self-regulatory organisation of that jurisdiction, or where Pallas is not authorised to provide such information or services. Pallas does not make any representation that any transactions, products or services mentioned on this Website are available or appropriate for sale or use in all jurisdictions or by all investors. You therefore access this Website at your own initiative and you are responsible for compliance with the local laws or regulations that apply to you in the jurisdiction in which you are located. You will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms or any applicable laws that apply to you.
While Pallas uses reasonable efforts to obtain information from reliable sources, Pallas makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any information or document contained in or accessed from this Website.
You agree that Pallas will not be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or loss arising out of any use of the information contained on the Website, including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of data, work stoppage, accuracy of results, or computer failure or malfunction.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Pallas harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees, arising from and related to your use of the Website.
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Unless otherwise noted, the graphic images, buttons, text or any document contained in this Website are the exclusive property of Pallas. Other than for your personal and non-commercial use, you must not allow these items to be copied, distributed, displayed, reproduced, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without Pallas’ prior written permission.
Third Party Websites
As a convenience to users, this Website may link to other sites owned and operated by third parties and not maintained by Pallas. However, even if such third parties are affiliated with Pallas, Pallas has no control over these linked sites, all of which have separate privacy and data collection practices and legal policies independent of Pallas. Pallas is not responsible for the contents of any linked sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such sites. Viewing such third-party sites is entirely at your own risk.
* Pallas Capital products are only available to wholesale clients (including sophisticated and professional investors) within the meaning of Section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Typically, this may be satisfied by an Accountant’s Certificate that certifies that the investor has: a) Net Assets in excess of $2.5 million, or b) Gross Income in excess of $250,000 p.a. for each of the preceding two financial years.
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* Pallas Capital products are only available to wholesale clients (including sophisticated and professional investors) within the meaning of Section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Typically, this may be satisfied by an Accountant’s Certificate that certifies that the investor has: a) Net Assets in excess of $2.5 million, or b) Gross Income in excess of $250,000 p.a. for each of the preceding two financial years.