Event Details
Arrival Time
From 12.30pm
Friday 22nd March
Arrival Location
Cruising Yacht Club of Australia
1 New Beach Road
Darling Point
Dress Attire
Lightweight and comfortable shorts or pants. Ideally, a long-sleeved t-shirt if you have one, and layer up in case it gets cold out there. A lightweight, waterproof, or water-resistant jacket to protect against the wind for inclement weather. Boat shoes or trainers with white or natural non-slip sole. We have change facilities at the Club should you want to bring a change of clothes for the post-race cocktail event.
To see how Pallas Capital can assist you or your customers, please provide your contact details below.
Register your interest and a Pallas Capital representative will be in touch to confirm your status as a wholesale investor.
* Pallas Capital products are only available to wholesale clients (including sophisticated and professional investors) within the meaning of Section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Typically, this may be satisfied by an Accountant’s Certificate that certifies that the investor has: a) Net Assets in excess of $2.5 million, or b) Gross Income in excess of $250,000 p.a. for each of the preceding two financial years.
Please provide your details to receive our latest performance report.
* Pallas Capital products are only available to wholesale clients (including sophisticated and professional investors) within the meaning of Section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Typically, this may be satisfied by an Accountant’s Certificate that certifies that the investor has: a) Net Assets in excess of $2.5 million, or b) Gross Income in excess of $250,000 p.a. for each of the preceding two financial years.